Here's some of my work, separated by category.
Tracking Liquidity Pools and Compiling Copycat Strategy Data | Research Project @ Data Science
- Learned SQL in a week and used it to make these dashboards:
- Note: These dashboards may now be deprecated because of updates to Dune. Upon opening everything should still load, but some custom field inputs will now cause issues.
Data Analysis
AI-Driven Speech Disfluency Detection | Research Project @ NYU MCR Laboratory
- Reconstructed a classification model for the NYU MCR Laboratory, consisting of an attention mechanism, a set of Squeeze-and-Excitation Residual Network(SE-ResNets) blocks, and a Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory Network(BLSTM).
- It successfully matched and improved on prior attempts at classifying disfluencies in speech.
- Worked with audio files, data handling and preparation, Pytorch and various Python machine-learning libraries like Matplotlib and Sciplot, understanding and implementing various ML networks.
- https://github.com/kostadubovskiy/stutternet/blob/main/
LSTM Apple stock price predictor | Personal Project
- Very simple introductory time-series prediction project. Used a vanilla LSTM to predict Apple stock price. [https://github.com/kostadubovskiy/stock-price-predictor]
Crypto Profit-and-Loss(PnL) Societal Narratives Tracking | Research Project @ Data Science
- Built a custom PnL compiler for popular cryptocurrencies over variable time periods to track how popular coins explode and die out relative to each other.
- Used open-source APIs and data visualization libraries to display data in a digestible, intuitive way.
- Researched ways to model the popularity trends of these cryptocurrencies.
Web Development
Newsify | School Project @ Stuyvesant High School
- Worked for two weeks in a team of 4 on a school project: a site which curates a news feed that covers topics from multiple angles [https://github.com/SamLubelsky/p01_DrippyKangaroos].
- We used news data, weather data, and stock data pulling from at least three apis; and Python(Flask) and SQL.
- Implemented secure user credential login, searching, browsing, weather widget, and stock-tracking in a minimalistic design.
Personal Website | Personal Project
- Made a simple personal website with Next.js [https://www.kostadubovskiy.me/]
- Portfolio and articles/documentation is a work in-progress.
Check out my Github for a less structured list of projects I’ve done! [https://github.com/kostadubovskiy]